Samrat Education Society's Palus

Samrat Techno Institute

Reg No : Maharashtra/129/Sangli
Accredited By International Accreditation Forum, REG.NO. 23EQKO30
ISO 9001:2015


CNC / VMC Operating and Programming


  IN this course we have study how to operate the machines with the help of computer. The CNC machine is also known as computerized numerical control or if manual machines is operated by the computer then that type of machines is known as CNC machine , in this machines most important concept is operating and programming.

VMC (Vertical milling center / vertical machining center)

  This machine is advance vergine of vertical milling machine , the computer is attached to the verical milling machine or vertical milling machine is operated by compute then that type of machine is known as Vertical milling center / vertical machining center (VMC) in this machine operating and programming is most important.

Horizontal milling center / Horizontal machining center (HMC)

  This machine is advance vergine of Horizontal milling machine , the computer is attached to the Horizontal milling machine or horizontal milling machine is operated by compute then that type of machine is known as Horizontal milling center / Horizontal machining center (HMC) in this machine operating and programming is most important.

Vertical turning center (VTC) machine

  This machine is advance vergine of vertical turret lathe machine(VTL) , the computer is attached to the vertical turret lathe machine(VTL) or vertical turret lathe machine(VTL) is operated by compute then that type of machine is known as Vertical turning center (VTC) machine in this machine operating and programming is most important.

Lathe machine

  Lathes are used in woodturning, metalworking, metal spinning, thermal spraying, parts reclamation, and glass-working. Lathes can be used to shape pottery, the best-known design being the Potter's wheel. Most suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also be used to produce most solids of revolution, plane surfaces and screw threads or helices. Ornamental lathes can produce three-dimensional solids of incredible complexity. The workpiece is usually held in place by either one or two centers, at least one of which can typically be moved horizontally to accommodate varying workpiece lengths. Other work-holding methods include clamping the work about the axis of rotation using a chuck or collet, or to a faceplate, using clamps or dog clutch.

Vertical milling machine

  Milling is the process of machining using rotary cutters to remove material by advancing a cutter into a workpiece. This may be done varying direction on one or several axes, cutter head speed, and pressure. Milling covers a wide variety of different operations and machines, on scales from small individual parts to large, heavy-duty gang milling operations. It is one of the most commonly used processes for machining custom parts to precise tolerances. Milling can be done with a wide range of machine tools. The original class of machine tools for milling was the milling machine (often called a mill). After the advent of computer numerical control (CNC) in the 1960s, milling machines evolved into machining centers: milling machines augmented by automatic tool changers, tool magazines or carousels, CNC capability, coolant systems, and enclosures. Milling centers are generally classified as vertical machining centers (VMCs) or horizontal machining centers (HMCs). The integration of milling into turning environments, and vice versa, began with live tooling for lathes and the occasional use of mills for turning operations. This led to a new class of machine tools, multitasking machines (MTMs), which are purpose-built to facilitate milling and turning within the same work envelope.


Horizontal milling machine

  This machine is same like vertical milling machine only difference is the spindle is horizontal in direction , the vertical milling machine is have milling head instead of milling head overhanging arm is fitted in the horizontal milling machine

VTL machine

  Vtl machine is same like lathe machine only difference is the axis of rotation of chuck is vertical in vtl machine , this machine is used for heavy and big jobs ,this machine is big in size as compare to lathe machine, this machine is used for making automobile parts , pump parts , ship parts etc

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